[SEDXC] Gear for sale

Albert Smarr w4btz at bellsouth.net
Sun Feb 6 11:44:51 PST 2011

I have the following gear for sale.  If anyone is interested, please contact me.

Yaesu FT-1000MP and matching speaker

Antique radios:

Heathkit AT-1 (needs work)
Heathkit VF-1 (not completely wired)
Hallicrafters S-38C


Hygain 402BA 2-element 40 meter yagi
(needs fabrication for tuning stubs, roll of wire supplied)
Telrex 4-element 15/10 meter duoband yagi
Neodesign 3-element 20 meter LPY (new)
Gap Challenger 80-10 meter vertical
Butternut HF6V 80-10 meter vertical

Al Smarr @ W4BTZ at bellsouith.net
404.320.7277 (voice-mail 24/7)

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