[SEDXC] GQP news

Michael Condon mrcne4s at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 26 06:25:16 PST 2011

Wonderful WX here in GA!

I have some county coverage updates to post.

Our friend Gordon's (SK) W4G call has been reassigned to N4VDL a local in Macon.
David will Be the Bomb in Bibb.  Thanks David.

Eddie and the Cruisers...
WD4JEM, K4GMF, WB4QDX, KF4PWI, KG4IUM, KJ4FFP, KJ4ECA along with some others 
will be camping in Taliaferro County and operating the GQP a full day on 
Saturday and maybe a couple of hours on Sunday.   

We have a special event call  W4T,  Whisky Four Taliaferro.    Eddie, WD4JEM
Eddie and the gang will have Terrific Tones up through the TeraHertz in 
From Skip, K4EAK, a BIG set of plans from the LaGrange ARC!!!!
LARC is planning to field several teams of rovers to cover as many as 50 
counties in western GA.
The calls and routes are being worked and will be posted when the details are 
worked out.
Special efforts are set for Lee and Telfair.  I have posted LARC for these 
Counties, calls later.
But Skip will Tramp the Trail from Troup for GQP 50.
I belive also that Skip needs 2 or 3 sponsors for the Bonus prizes.
If you want to help, contact skip at gqpprizes at iham.net
NY4N, Jeff/Becky, have obtained K4I for the GEORGIA award, and will rover in GA.
County route to be set soon.

MORE later...!

Mike, NE4S

 Please use ne4s at iham.us as my address.
GQP 50th Anniversary is 2011, April 9, 10th, Join the party.
Send me your Georgia Party county coverage plans to
listmycounty4gqp at gaqp.org 
See gqp.contesting.com for news and rules 


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