[SEDXC] HRD's future

Neil Foster archernf at earthlink.net
Sun Sep 18 17:14:29 PDT 2011

Neil   N4FN
HRD Press Release #1

Posted by: "RIck" 
<mailto:rickerbama at aol.com?Subject= 
Re%3A%20HRD%20Press%20Release%20%231>rickerbama at aol.com 

Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:19 am (PDT)

Tampa FL, St. Paul MN, Pittsburgh PA - September 
19, 2011 - Mike Carper (WA9PIE), Randy Gawtry 
(K0CBH) and Rick Ruhl (W4PC) have acquired the 
source and rights to the Ham Radio Deluxe suite 
of software. The trio plans to continue the 
improving the best ham radio package available.
"Simon has done a fantastic job with this 
software. His vision for integrating rig control, 
rotor control, logging, digital modes, and 
satellite operations into a single integrated 
feature-rich software suite has captivated the 
ham radio community. We'd like to see this 
product continue in a way that respects the hard 
work put into this package by Simon and others," 
said Mike Carper. "Maintaining that vision, while 
delivering timely fixes and feature enhancements 
in the future, will be the number one priority."
"After many years writing the HRD software it's 
necessary to take a break and hand the whole 
project over to another team," said Simon Brown 
(HB9DRV). "The support effort required has become 
more than I can realistically manage – with many 
thousands of users, new radios and other hardware 
appearing all the time and unexpected changes to 
the infrastructure used by HRD such as QRZ.com I 
no longer have any time at all for other 
projects. As some of you will know I have formed 
a company SDR-RADIO.com GmbH and am now working 
in the Software Defined Radio arena with RFspace. 
This is the technology of the future; a future 
which I want a part of. In 2012 I plan to return 
to England and get back on the air, something I 
haven't done much during the last 25 years."
The trio is in the process of building a 
development environment for HRD and plans to 
begin by addressing some of the bugs in the 
existing "To Do List" for an upcoming 5.1 
release. The 5.1 release will be made available 
at no charge to registered users when completed.
All three principals have more than 25 years of 
experience with radio data communications. Rick 
Ruhl is the president of W4PC Software, Inc. 
whose products include the PakRatt, PKTerm and 
Radio Operations Center software suites. Randy 
Gawtry is the president of Timewave Technology 
Inc. whose products include the PK and DSP 
families of data controllers and other commercial 
data products. Mike Carper is an experienced 
Fortune 500 technology executive, educator, and 
featured speaker in the areas of wireless 
technologies and IT Service Management.
WA9PIE is on the web at 

Timewave Technology is on the web at 
W4PC Software is on the web at 

"Let us not accept mediocrity in the guise of building self esteem."

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