[SEDXC] Reminder: GA QSO Party This Week End

John T. Laney III k4bai at att.net
Sat Apr 14 05:16:01 PDT 2012

The annual GA QSO Party begins at 18Z today and runs 10 hours Saturday 
and 10 hours Sunday.  We hope to have activity from all of GA's 159 
counties on CW/Digital and Phone.  All information can be found on the 
web at:  http://georgiaqsoparty.org/  Many mobiles, rovers, portables, 
clubs, and home stations will be QRV, mostly near the suggested 
frequencies in the rules.  Hope you all will be able to participate and 
join in the fun to some extent.  Very nice certificates, plaques, and 
other prizes are available for those who are able to turn in top 
scores.  Recognition will be made of top HP, LP, and QRP scorers.

Band conditions promise to be fair with perhaps more activity on 15 and 
10M than in recent years.

73, John, K4BAI
for SECC and SEDXC

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