[SEDXC] For Sale Update

Jim Worthington jimworth at me.com
Thu Aug 9 15:13:11 PDT 2012

Thanks to everyone that has bought gear from me since I posted it yesterday. Here's what's left:

1. Elecraft K3/100 in mint condition with many options installed - second receiver, internal tuner, 2 CW filters (400 & 200 Hz), digital voice recorder, KXV3A IF Out/Xvrtr/RX ant  - plus the USB to serial adapter and an extra power cord. Cost $3,560, asking 2,725.

2. Elecraft PR6 6 meter preamp in LN condition (3 months old). Cost $150, asking $120.

3. Alpha Delta Delta-4 antenna switch in excellent condition - $55.

4. Yaesu FT-2900 2 meter FM rig  in mint condition (< 3 months old) - $120.

5. TenTec R4020 40/20 meter QRP rig in LN condition (3 months old) - $190.

6. MFJ-949E antenna tuner in very good condition - $90.

7. Jetstream JTPS28 12VDC switching power supply in LN condition; no detectable RF hash - $65.

8. Spiderbeam 12 meter fiberglass pole in good condition (some marks but works perfectly) with clamp set and 1 element quad set. Cost $277, asking $145.

9. SignalLink USB digital communications interface with cable for Elecraft K3 in excellent condition. $70.

10. MFJ-854 RF current meter (calibrated) in LN condition. Cost $120, asking $90.

11. Balun Design 1115t 5KW 1:1 balun in excellent condition (has been used exclusively indoors). Cost $63 , asking $45.

12. Emtech ZM-2 Z-match QRP antenna tuner - factory built and in excellent condition (< 3 months old). Cost $90, asking $65.

Jim AD4J

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