[SEDXC] Swain Island Op Needed - Go Figure!

Don Nesbitt n4hh at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 25 17:42:05 EDT 2012

Short Version:  I've had to take myself off the Swain's Island (www.NH8S.org) team.  It's an amazing coincidence of rotten timing but my dermatologist is not at all happy about the prospect of me being on a remote atoll in the Pacific Ocean sporting a couple of rows of stitches from a little necessary dermo work - according to them, it's an absurd notion (actually they used much stronger language but this is a family program) and I've got to take their advice.  No, I'm not about to 
croak so don't get your hopes up!  I'm simply paying for the "solar" sins of my youth!

I've already talked with several club members about the possibility of jumping in at the last minute - and, as expected, the timing just isn't going to work for them either. So, on the off chance that there is someone in the club or someone who knows someone who has the ability to ship out at the last minute and be gone for a solid 3 weeks plus, here's your chance.

In addition to some other "stuff," you would have to get yourself to Honolulu in time to fly out of there at 4:50 pm on Monday September 3.  You'd be getting back to HNL at 5:40 AM on Friday Sept 21.

If this is of interest, please call me at 404-218-3595 and I'll fill you in on the "rest of the story."  Of course, I can't tell you how much this pi---s me off !!!! Tnx.  '73 es gud dxing -- Don N4HH

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