[SEDXC] Warning for K4BRA

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Thu Jun 14 19:45:53 PDT 2012

I am off the air right now transmit wise and have sent K4BRA two e-mails
to the e-mail address on QRZ.  He has been operating the Digital Mode ROS
on both 20 and 40 which is illegal in the USA as its spread spectrum.

The FCC does not allow us to use spread spectrum below 222 Mhz.

He needs to be warned before an ARRL OO cites him or even worse the FCC 
cites him with a pink slip (I guess they are pink still).  Yes, the FCC 
watches band edges and modes although they don't have all the listening 
posts they had 30 years ago.

If a Dxer on the South Side of Atlanta can warn him that its illegal at 
least we would know he got the message..  His e-mails have not come back but 
they could be in his span filter.  He is quite active on 10 SSB.


73 Dave K4JRB 

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