[SEDXC] HRD and Families in the same household

Neil Foster archernf at earthlink.net
Fri Mar 16 17:27:08 PDT 2012

  Let me clarify something about a subscription to Ham Radio Deluxe that 
Rick forgot to mention

If you have a spouse or another family member living in the same 
household, you only need to purchase one "subscription" and you get a 
key for all pf them. For example Mike K4PI and his wife Evelyn K4AM, Jim 
K4DLI and Ann KB4SSS, Ian KM4IK and his Father-in-law Steve KC4YBO are a 
few that come to mind. ( Not saying they are HRD users but they all have 
either a spouse or family member who is a ham and they were at the SEDX 
meeting). This was not made clear.  So one subscription covers all in 
the same household. Version 5 and all its updates are free. Version 6 to 
be released at Dayton requires a paid subscription.

Neil  N4FN

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