[SEDXC] Fw: Re: [sedxc] S9+ Noise Levels and Great Cobb EMC Response

Hugh Valentine hsvdds at juno.com
Wed May 30 03:42:51 PDT 2012

Sounds like a great story.  Mike, K4PI, needs to train all the power companies in Noise detection.  He is a real expert.  I think he has a technician living in his basement. I hope all concerned write letters to the supervisor(s) about this success story. QRN can be a killer to a Ham-O-Holic. Im glad ya'll are back in business,again, and can terroriZe the bands. Maybe the only reason I worked that A5 on my Bird Feeder is that all the North Georgia Hams had this High Level QRN, and were QRT.  I gess I gotta go back to Atlanta and spray Carbon on some more Arrestors.  I still need the A5 on 80M and got too much competition from up Nawth. 73, ValN4RJ

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From: "Ralph" <k1zzi at comcast.net>
To: <jimstuder at comcast.net>
Cc: sedxc at yahoogroups.com, sedxc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [SEDXC] [sedxc] S9+ Noise Levels and Great Cobb EMC Response
Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 01:18:24 -0400

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