[SEDXC] Looking for information about Buck Joyner, W4TO !

Bob Allphin k4uee at comcast.net
Sun Nov 18 08:29:13 EST 2012

Hi all,
   A friend of mine currently has the call sign W4TO.  He is interested in 
learning more about the original owner Buck Joyner.  Buck was a founder of 
the SEDXC.
   Anybody want to help him out with some background information on Buck?

From: "Don Prater" <w4to at tds.net>
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2012 8:04 PM
To: "K4UEE Allphine" <bob at k4uee.com>
Subject: w4to history

> Hi Bob,
> Was great seeing you again at SEDCO.
> I am trying to learn something about the history of my current call.
> I know a fellow by the name of Buck Joyner had it before me.
> I understand that he was a founding member of SEDXC.
> Do you know of anyone that might provide some of the history of Buck 
> Joyner or may know anything about the history of the call?
> tks and 73, Don-W4TO 

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