[SEDXC] K3 for sale

K4WZ ron at k4wz.com
Thu Oct 4 09:07:08 EDT 2012

Medical bills Must sell   K3 and P3

Factory built  Ser Nr.  5727   Paid    $ 4825.53  Asking  $4000
Included Manual and KE7X Manual and  W3YY RTTY and cables
Picture   http://www.flickr.com/photos/33293873@N04/8053433425/in/photostream
Contact  Ron  404-388-2805  ron at k4wz.com     


      K3/100-F K3 100W Xcvr. (Assembled) $2249.95  ea. 1  $2249.95   
      KAT3-F K3 ATU (Fact. Installed) $339.95  ea. 1  $339.95   
      KDVR3 K3 Dig. Voice Recorder $129.95  ea. 1  $129.95   
      KFL3A-250 K3 250 Hz, 8 pole filter $139.95  ea. 1  $139.95   
      KFL3A-400 K3 400 Hz, 8 pole filter $139.95  ea. 1  $139.95   
      KRX3-F K3 2nd RX (Fact. Assm.) $659.95  ea. 1  $659.95   
      KUSB Univ. Ser Bus Adapt. $39.95  ea. 1  $39.95   
      KXV3A K3 RX Ant, IF Out & Xvrtr Intf. $119.95  ea. 1  $119.95   
      MH2 Hand Mic. for K2/K3. $59.95  ea. 1  $59.95   
      P3-F P3-F Panadapter -Assembled- $749.95  ea. 1  $749.95   
      PR6 Low Noise 6M Preamp $149.95  ea. 1  $149.95   

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