[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, This Week's Contests; Next Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Wed Apr 10 11:28:32 EDT 2013

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS Sprint CW Practice, 4/5/13
N4OGW  47  39  1,833  SO LP  0.5  MS  ACG   SO2R

2.  QRPARCI Spring QSO Party
K4BAI  148  64  278,656  SO QRP5W A2  8:14  GA  SECC
K4ZGB   37  22    3,542  SO QRP5W A2         AL  ACG

3.  EA (Spain) RTTY Contest
WB2RHM/4  412  213  238,134  SOABHP  16.3  NC  SECC
AA4YL     427  196  214,816  M/O HP  20    AL  ACG
At W4HOD.  Ops:  AA4YL, KA4PKB, K9MUG.
W4UK      302  153  104,958  SOABHP  12    SC  SECC
K4HAL     195  126   58,842  SOABHP   7    AL  ACG
W5EW      174  112   35,840  SOABLP  17    LA

4.  Missouri QSO Party
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Mul  Score  Category  Time  St  Club
K4BAI    24    11   21  1,339  SOMix HP  2:02  GA  SECC
K4AMA     9     0    8    260  SO CW LP  1     SC  SECC

5.  SP (Poland) DX Contest
Call   CWQ  PhQ  Mul  Score   Category  Time  St  Club
K4BAI  254   62   56  53,088  SOABMixHP 16:08 GA  SECC
K4ZGB  100   11   41  13,161  SOABMixLP  5    AL  ACG
K4VU    61    0   31   6,405  SO3B CWHP  2.5  AL  NCCC
NF4A    43    0   24   4,221  SOABMixHP  1.4  FL  ACG
K1GU    36    0   23   2,484  SO3B CWHP  1    TN  TCG

6.  NAQCC April SK/Bug Sprint
K4BAI   65  29  7,540  QRP GAIN  2.0  GA  SECC
K4ZGB   39  23  3,542  QRP SWA        AL  ACG
WA4ZOF  30  17  2,040  QRP SWA        AL  ACG
K2UFT   23  16  1,472  QRP SWA        GA  SECC
NA4O    17  12    816  QRP SWA        GA
K9VON    3   2     12  QRP SWA        GA

7.  CWOps Club CWT, 1300Z, 4/10/13
K4BAI  81  59  4,729  SO HP  GA  SECC

This Week's Contests:

1.  CWOps CWT Mini Tests.  Three separate contests on Wednesday local 
date for one hour each.  1300Z, 1900Z, and 0300Z (Thursday UTC). 160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  Name + CWOps # or SPC.  Look around 028 kHz on each and.

2.  NCCC NS Sprint Ladder.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local). 
20, 40, 80, 160M CW.  100W maximum power.  One kHz QSY rule.  No same 
band dupes.  New ladder series starts this week.  Exchange:  both calls, 
#, name, SPC.  Look 040 kHz and 1815.  Some slow speed practice on 20, 
40, 80M between 0200-0220Z.  Likely a RTTY sprint practice 0130-0159Z. 
Look up 80 kHz.

3.  Montana QSO Party.  48 hours of weekend UTC.  160M-70cm.  Cw, Phone, 
Digital.  Exchange:  MT county abbreviation or SP/DX.

4.  Japan International DX Contest, CW.  0700Z Sat to 1300Z Sun. 160-10M 
CW.  Exchange:  RST + CQ Zone or JA prefecture #.

5.  SKCC Weekend Sprintathon.  12Z Sat to 24Z Sun.  Maximum of 24 hours. 
  Exchange:  RST, Name, SPC, SKCC# or "none."  Use mechanical key.  Look 
around 050 kHz.

6.  New Mexico QSO Party.  14Z Sat to 02Z Sun.  160-6M.  CW, Ph, 
Digital.  Exchange:  Name and SPC or NM county.

7.  EU Sprint Sprint.  1600-1959Z Saturday.  80, 40, 20M CW.  Exchange: 
  both calls, #, Name.  QSY rule.

8.  GEORGIA QSO PARTY.  18Z Sat to 0359Z Sun.  14-2359Z Sun.  160-6M, 
CW, Digital, Phone.   Exchange:  RS(T) + SP/DX or GA county.  This is 
our big one of the year.  Please be QRV as much as you can and make it 
another big success.

9.  Yuri Gagarin International DX Contest.  21Z Sat to 21Z Sun.  160-10M 
+ satellites, CW.  Exchange:  RST + ITU Zone #.

I will miss Sunday of GQP in order to drive to New Orleans for a seminar 
beginning Monday morning.  I will drive home on Wednesday. So, next 
week's report may be a bit late.  Please post your scores to the 3830 
reflector or send them directly to me.  I hope to be QRV Saturday in GQP 
either as K4BAI/M or W4AN/M.  Hope everyone has a nice week and weekend 
and a lot of QSOs, especially in the GQP.  73, John, K4BAI.

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