[SEDXC] Countries (entities) within 2000 miles of Atlanta

Jim Worthington jimworth at me.com
Fri Apr 19 13:31:54 EDT 2013

Just 40 countries is surprisingly low. I had guessed 60, last night. DX4WIN shows a few others are within 2,000 miles of my QTH in Norcross including Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, Columbia, Venezuela, and Aruba. However, the centers of St. Lucia, Columbia and Venezuela are more than 2,000 miles away.

As you say, not all are that easy to work. I don't have Aves Island.

Jim AD4J

On Apr 19, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Jim Stafford <w4qo at amsat.org> wrote:

> Last night at the DX meeting (the program was outstanding BTW), the question
> arose - How many DX entities are within 2000 miles of Atlanta?
> I happened to have a spreadsheet of "distance from Atlanta" and sorted it.
> The magic number is 40 (counting the US):

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