[SEDXC] [sedxc] Grey line DX

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Tue Aug 20 17:24:31 EDT 2013

Gray line also occurs on 20. to 10 depending on sun spots.  Point the beam SE just after sunrise and if the spots are good there is no telling what you will work.

I blasted thru to a JA in 9V on 12 working JA's.  He was surprised that I came through.

You need something that indicates the twilight
area and where the band could be open.  I use an old hand DX Edge with all 12 months
that can inserted.  Someone told me that there is a copy on the PC now.  I also have an earthclock with Atlanta selected that is very good but lacks showing enough to let you know where its twilight beyond the Western Hemisphere.  I use this to let me move the DX edge to the right position.

I used to listen to a K2 back in 1960 work all sorts of DX in the early morning on 10 meters.  I seldom heard the DX as I did not know where to point the beam and was too far West to actually be in the same twilight.

73 Dave K4JRB 

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