[SEDXC] 9M4SLL still not very strong

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Wed Mar 13 18:47:03 EDT 2013

9M4SLL Spratley was between S1 and S5 on 18165 about 2000 Z.  He was 
workable here.

He was on 21.035 and from ESP ro 339
at 2030Z .  He was on 21.295 listening 300 to 305 and reported a good signal 
in Richmond.  You could hear him giving callsigns and 5 by 9 but he was just 
readable at 50% here.

I see reports of 5/9 in KY but S1 in Indiana at the same time.  Spots are 
heading up and he should have a good signal on 20.  Have patience.

Dave K4JRB 

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