Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Tue Mar 26 16:26:16 EDT 2013

Okay, so I like to eat crow.  The Uverse super came today and was very very pleasant gentleman to work with.. He came here first and looked at what I had.  The went to the house in question and disconnected everything regarding Uverse inside and out.  No help so he is in the clear and the neighbor said he had no service interruptions.  I have been transmitting on 160 and 80 in the last few days.  So they are in the clear.  The Uverse super and I had talked about killing the breakers and the neighbor was okay with that.  The Uverse super stayed and talked to me over the phone as they pulled every breaker.  No change so I am flabbergasted at the time as I had gotten into a mind set of this is the house as everything pointed that way.  My hat is off to Uverse as I jumped the gun but it seemed so right as they had just installed Uverse when the problem started.  

I went up into the subdivision and did some more DF as crude as it is with the loop stick AM radio.  It now looks more like the house next to the original neighbor but he pointed out to me she was going to be hard to deal with.  So I am hesitant to get involved with her.  I may see if I could get some help from the power company to at least kill the power to verify the right house but they may not be receptive to that idea and I would understand.  ARRL feels it is a bad switching supply putting the switching noise back onto the power line.  I guess I can hope it will eventually quit working. We are getting into the summer season so maybe I can get by for a while and build more antennas at the farm site where I only have to deal with power line noise which is easy to correct normally.  

I had a bad wall wart switcher that powered my Comcast cable box go bad a year or so ago and although it caused a good amount of noise on 160 M it is no where near the problem I have now.  I did kill the house today with the K3 and panadapter on battery to prove I was not loosing it.  I am trying to get rid of every switcher the house. Even my TV in the shack even has an outboard wall wart switcher.

Beware of switchers. 73 Mike

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