[SEDXC] Fw: Operation approved for DXCC credit

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Fri May 17 17:02:00 EDT 2013

DXCC desk approval (again)
Dave K4JRB
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Moore, Bill, NC1L (ARRL Awards Branch) 
To: 425 DX News ; Ann Figat ; ARRL News ; ARRL Web ; BARF ; Bernie McClenny ; Bernstein, Dave (tqsl-beta) ; Chuck Hutchinson ; CQHQ ; David Patton ; DX Publishing ; DX-Is News ; DX-Italia ; Editors ; G3KMA ; Italian DX Reflector ; JARL ; John Kanode ; Katherine Allison ; Kutzko, Sean, KX9X ; Leeza Kustosik ; Moore, Bill, NC1L ; News Desk UK ; Newsline ; The GoList ; URE ; W1AW ; W3IZ ; WIA Australia ; Atlantic ; Board Laison ; Central ; Dakota ; Delta ; Great Lakes ; Hudson ; Midwest ; New England ; Northwestern ; Pacific ; Roanoke ; Rocky Mountain ; Southeastern ; Southwestern ; Taratula, Sharon ; West Gulf 
Sent: Friday, May 17, 2013 4:54 PM
Subject: Operation approved for DXCC credit

The following operation is approved for DXCC credit:


E51WL - North Cook Island

Note: The operator is a native there and his callsign was previously ZK1WL which was approved for DXCC previously so this is just a change in callsign. If anyone had this contact rejected in a recent submission send an e-mail to bmoore at arrl.org for an update to your record.


Special thanks to Andre Berzotti, PY5EW for his help to clear this up.


73 es DX!



Bill Moore NC1L

Awards Branch Manager

ARRL - The national association for Amateur RadioT

225 Main Street

Newington, CT 06111

Telephone: (860) 594 0234

Fax: (860) 594-0346

email: bmoore at arrl.org

DXCC Web Site: www.arrl.org/dxcc

Blog: http://www.arrl.org/awards-blog
Twitter: arrl_dxcc


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