Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Mon Nov 25 19:57:52 EST 2013

The VU7/L was on 12 SSB this morning around 12:30 via SP and lost power around 13 GMT.   They are still assembling stations so things should get better over the next few days.. They were back on again after 14. Some VU2 on 15 M were LP around the same time but the VU7 was using a vertical and there was no LP detected. I was able to work them on 40 M SSB LP via SE at 23:46.  Lot of QRM from SA on their fq.  

XZ1J is still hard at it and worked them on 20 M RTTY via LP S at 23:57.  Not super strong but workable.

The flux has dropped from the 170’s down to 127 over the past week or so.  Hopefully it will come back up over the next 27 day cycle.  

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