[SEDXC] Georgia QSO Party Scoring with N1MM

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Mon Apr 14 09:34:57 EDT 2014

I believe I have found an error in N1MM's logging program's computation 
of multipliers for Georgia QSO Party. This affects only GA stations.  In 
some QSO parties, a multiplier of one is given for the first DX QSO or 
for the first DX QSO per mode.  This is not the case for the GQP.  But, 
N1MM scores it as if it were. So, for single mode stations who worked at 
least one DX QSO, the multiplier is one too high and for mixed mode 
stations, it may be two multipliers too high.

This is not extremely significant.  It affects only the claimed scores 
and you don't actually have to show a claimed score in your log.  
However, for those who like to be totally accurate, you should determine 
your score without any multiplier for DX stations.

I hope this can be conveyed to N1MM and the programmers for that program 
so that it can be corrected before next year's GQP.

The log checking will not be affected (as it is never affected by any 
claimed score errors).

Thanks to all who participated despite terrible band conditions on 
Saturday and bad weather in many parts of the country.

73, John, K4BAI.

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