gregpotter at charter.net gregpotter at charter.net
Fri Jan 10 07:05:39 EST 2014

Hi Folks,

I am really trying to get my DXCC credits straightened out after all 
these years.  It's on my bucket list and I am attacking it.

I have a question I am hoping someone can answer for me.  I have a 1989 
QSO with a 4W0PA and the card says "North Yemen".

Does that count for the deleted "Yemen" or could it be Timor leste or is 
it worthless?

Sorry for being a bit DX QSL challenged.  My last attempt at getting 
these cards in order a few years ago was a disaster (mainly because I 
had no idea what I was doing) and I drove the card checking folks crazy. 
I am trying to get it right this time.


73 de Greg NM2L
Sugar Hill, GA

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