[SEDXC] Fwd: [Low Band DX'ing From The Burb's!] *From:* "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <bernie at dailydx.com>

Charles Pennington via SEDXC sedxc at contesting.com
Sun Jul 20 07:46:38 EDT 2014



Charles Pennington
chask4gk at aol.com



-----Original Message-----
From: Veal Ham Nøah <notification+kr4maaksrx4n at facebookmail.com>
To: Low Band DX'ing From The Burb's! <lowbands at groups.facebook.com>
Sent: Sat, Jul 19, 2014 11:12 pm
Subject: [Low Band DX'ing From The Burb's!] *From:* "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <bernie at dailydx.com>

Veal Ham Nøah posted in Low Band DX'ing From The Burb's!

Veal Ham Nøah
 11:12pm Jul 19 

*From:* "Bernie McClenny, W3UR" <bernie at dailydx.com>
 *Date:* July 19, 2014 at 7:10:30 PM MST
 *To:* The Daily DX mailing list <dailydx at kkn.net>, The Weekly DX mailing
 list <weeklydx at kkn.net>
 *Subject:* *[The Daily DX] NC1L - Bill Moore*
 *Reply-To:* bernie at dailydx.com
 The following news is from K5FUV, Bill Kennamer. Feel free to pass this on
 to your DX friends and clubs.
 "DXCC Manager Bill Moore, NC1L, was seriously injured in an automobile
 accident about two weeks ago. His neck was broken, leaving him paralyzed
 from his upper body down, with limited movement of his arms. Recovery will
 be difficult and slow, and is not expected to be total. Bill would like to
 hear from his friends. He is currently in the Mount Sinai Rehab Hospital
 in Hartford, but cards and well wishes should be sent to 92 Reservoir Rd,
 Newington, CT 06111”.
 Friday K5FUV, Bill Kennamer, and I visited Bill at the rehab hospital. We
 spent a few minutes with NC1L, Bill, who was extremely glad to see us. I
 gave him one of the ARRL Centennial Convention coins and told him how
 successful the event was going. He was very happy to hear the news and the
 greetings from his friends. Bill’s sister-in-law Gina was there in the
 hospital and asked us to tell Bill’s friends that he would love to hear
 from them. So if possible let’s all show Bill our love and concern for our
 dear friend by sending him our QSL with good wishes. I know Bill and the
 family would greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers during this
 difficult time.
 Bill Moore
 92 Reservoir Road
 Newington, CT 06111
 Bernie, W3UR/1
 Hartford, CT

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