[SEDXC] " DX is"

Bruce WA8IQF via SEDXC sedxc at contesting.com
Wed Jun 25 16:39:53 EDT 2014

Hello all.

Hugh "Cass" Cassidy-WA6AUD was the father of that weekly mimeographed  newsletter that was mailed around the world from 1968 to 1979.  It was  unlike any other DX newsletter for sure, what with Cass's creative way of  expressing our love for DX through such characters as Slim, Red-Eyed Louie, the  QRPers, the Palos Verdes Sundancers, the Old Timer, and companions.  Now  the original West Coast DX Bulletin, going back to 01 May 1968 through 1975 is  available at  http://ncdxc.org/pages/wcdxb.html.   The first issue is just a page and a half of DX info and none of the "supporting  cast" have yet been born in Cass's fertile imagination.  The 1976 through  1979 issues will be  available the end of August.  Here's the opportunity to stroll back some 46  years in the fascinating world of DX.
The link will take you to a home page, then scroll down and pick an issue to view.
Supplied to me by Jack W4JS for those interested in some DX history.
Bruce WA8IQF

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