[SEDXC] [sedxc] Tad Wilkiamson WF4W ex WA4CUG SK

Bill Ronay billronay at plantationcable.net
Fri May 16 14:32:55 EDT 2014

Known Tad, WF4W, for thirty years...one of the first "faces" of ham radio with which I became close and dear friends.  Always willing to help, always willing to try something new, he probably forgot more about our wonderful hobby and service than I'll ever know.

One of our last conversations was spiked with enthusiasm as he encouraged me to dive into PSK and RTTY and then he would come over and help me correct any operating holes and errors into which I may have fallen.

Gives me the courage to learn on my own...'cause I know he'll be looking over my shoulder the entire time.

Our prayers and support for the entire family.

The Amateur Radio Community and all of its DXers have lost a truly dear friend.

"Tad" Williamson, ...  -.-

EC, Morgan County ARES, WR4MC

W. R. "Bill" Ronay
2090 Shadow Lake Drive
The "Real" Buckhead, GA 30625-2700

706-342-7878 (h/o/f)
706-473-1283 (c/m)

billronay at plantationcable.net
km4ls at arrl.net


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