Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Wed Nov 12 19:48:20 EST 2014

Georgia will get the use of W1AW in a few weeks.  I any of you are interested please contact Fred, WW4LL at fdennin at numail.org .  He is coordinating the effort.

A couple of notes. You will need to have a logging program so you can send the logs to Fred when you are through.  Also be forewarned, if you are not comfortable running a huge split pileup, you could be in for a shock.  The pileups are big and they will turn on you if you do no satisfy their appetite.HI.  The last time around with W1AW I had CW pileups with well over 100 per hour as long as you wanted to run them.  Talk with Fred if you are interested.

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