[SEDXC] Remote operation and DXCC

David Thompson thompson at mindspring.com
Sun Oct 5 17:45:25 EDT 2014

Sorry I have over 60 messages about this and I will answer a couple directly 
and the rest as a general message.

I have trigeminal neuralgia and have a gamma knife operation planned for 
Thursday. I hope no other amateur has to suffer with this but I find many of 
our friends have this and this is often the reason why they are inactive.

The consensus of the DXAC members was that remote operations should be 
limited  by distance but that runs directly into DXCC rule 1.9 which only 
limits by DXCC entity.  The notion of DXCC being a personal achievement is 
not a new one and nowhere is it in the report to the league.  This was a 
position by several DXAC members.  This is like the ARRL Field Day is not a 
contest but then why have so many clubs operated as such.   I am afraid we 
live in a new world with the majority of ARRL members are  techs or at best 
Generals.  Those of us who built rigs now find that DIY is used not 
Many of the old timers are moving to places like the Villages in Central 
Florida or to condo's where no outside antennas are allowed.  I see an ad or 
two each day for someone selling their gear.

Lastly I see someone say any change in DXCC or new entities should be 
directed to DXAC.  All DXAC members are glad to see your views on such 
matters but DXAC is chartered to respond to tasks from the ARRL Board of 
Directors about DXCC directions.  Most of our views match your views.  I 
always send your views to ARRL HQ and the Directors assigned to our 
committee.  Most of the DXAC members will work on trying to help you with 
getting QSLs through the ARRL bureaus
or finding out why you are not.  I usually suggest you use the Log book of 
the world and getting a few real QSL cards.  With over 100K QSLs received 
since 1957 I usually only want new ones with a real card..  However, I 
answer all QSLs received via bureau or direct as this is the amateur 

Thanks for paying attention to DXCC matters and please continue to do so.

73 Dave K4JRB


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