[SEDXC] Tango Tango ?

Bernie McClenny, W3UR bernie at dailydx.com
Tue Sep 2 07:11:35 EDT 2014

The likelihood of this one counting for DXCC is not very high as all past TT8 operations I can recall had full TT8xxx callsigns and I’m not aware of any recent operations that counted with call such as TT8/home call.  WFWL but hold off sending for that QSL until it gets approved by the ARRL DXCC Desk.

Bernie, W3UR

Bernie McClenny, W3UR
Editor of The Daily DX, The Weekly DX and How's DX?
Two week trial - http://www.dailydx.com/trial.html

On Sep 1, 2014, at 12:19 PM, gregpotter at charter.net wrote:

> This is a little frustrating.  Has anyone had any success hearing or hopefully working this TT8/F5RQP station.  He has been spotted a number of times, but I just don't seem to be hearing him.  Tough propagation times I guess.
> 73 de Greg NM2L
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