[SEDXC] Fwd: NPRM to Remove Amateur License Addresses from Public View
Jeffrey Cantor
k1zn at att.net
Thu Apr 23 22:29:38 EDT 2015
ESSENTIAL for us to take action as a DX club. Please read prior to next meeting!
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Billy Stewart" <bstewart at windstream.net>
> Date: April 23, 2015 at 6:52:40 PM EDT
> To: "Rae Everhart" <raef at lexcominc.net>
> Subject: NPRM to Remove Amateur License Addresses from Public View
> Hi All,
> I received this from the NCVEC this afternoon and wanted to pass it along.
> 73
> Billy WA4PVI
> Co-Chairman W4VEC
> AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 0.453(D)(4) AND 0.457(F) OF THE COMMISSION'S RULES CONCERNING ELECTRONICALLY STORED APPLICATION AND LICENSING DATA. Proposed to specify that historical amateur radio licensee address information will not be routinely available for public inspection. (Dkt No. 15-81 ).
> Action by: the Commission. Adopted: 03/31/2015 by NPRM. (FCC No. 15-40).
> WTB https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-15-40A1.doc
> https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-15-40A1.pdf
> All VEC Organizations should file comments on this immediately.
> Read it closely as it proposes to remove address information public view in ULS on both archived license records as well as current license records.
> What is unclear, is removing it from public view in the FCC ULS database is one thing, but do they intend to remove it form the FCC database files entirely? - doesn't say, but if that happened it would be an end to
> public call sign look ups on the internet like QRZ, E-Ham,etc that puts the information out for public display
> for QSL information.
> If amateur license addresses were totally disappear from all public view. Logically the address information would not be made available in the public access files (database) or the information they want or keep private would be on public display on various call sign look up databases.
> If this NRPM is adopted, it would mark the end of QSL cards and the ability to confirm on the air contacts for all of the contact award programs that require QSL confirmation, like WAS, WAC, DXCC and other contest ward programs.
> Note also: Page 2, Item 5 of the notice: Based on comments by the FCC, an licensee does not have to provide their real residential address, but can provide literally ANY address they wish.
> And, even bigger, the proposal asks should this same concept of privatizing data be extended to ALL WTB licensed services.
> Comments due 60 days after Release March 31, 2015
> Reply comments due 90 days after publication in Federal Register
> 73,
> Larry
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