Charles Pennington via SEDXC sedxc at contesting.com
Mon Feb 2 06:02:39 EST 2015

It appears that two stations from K1N came on the air during the Super Bowl.  One station on 40 CW, and another on 80 CW.  I got the 40 CW QSO after only 5 or 6 calls with a solid QSO.  The spread was over 20 KHz on 80 making it a little more difficult.  Finally got a solid QSO also on that band after a little effort.  An ATNO on CW and a new band on 40.  Worked with 600 Watts and a low dipole.   Go get 'em.

Chas  K4GK

Charles Pennington
chask4gk at aol.com

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