[SEDXC] N4XMX Radio Shack Estate Auction

Jeffrey Cantor k1zn at att.net
Tue Apr 12 13:54:10 EDT 2016

TheSoutheastern DX Club (SEDXC) is assisting the family of our member, Rick, N4XMX (sk) to liquidate his radioshack.  We are now opening theauction for attached list of equipment.  Anopening bid is posted for most of the items. If you wish to bid, please E-Mail your bid per item to K1ZN at Att.net (Jeff, club treasurer) by Friday, May 6th2016 at 6:00PM EDT.  The highest bidderper item will be so notified.  A date inMay or June and location for distribution will be announced.  It will be at an Atlanta area hamfest. We cannot ship. Payments by cash or bank checkpayable to Ms. Glisson, only, please. Jeff / K1ZN

Dr. Jeffrey A. Cantor

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