Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Sun Mar 27 11:00:46 EDT 2016

Signals have not been the strongest but they are in there banging away.  They have a great website including this section http://dxa.vk0ek.org/  which show what bands they are operating and who they are working.  You can hold the cursor over the call on the map and see what band/mode they worked the station on.  Also you can check to see where you have worked them.  Site also shows calls just worked in near real time.  May be a couple of minutes after you work them you will see your call come across the screen.

They were on 12 SSB this morning but it was a short one... 1300-1335 with the peak around 1320 which is just around their sunset.  They are staying on 30 M around the clock although copying them is another matter usually being better well after dark.  They were on 80 and 160 also last night but the QRN is terrible.  They had a narrow window on 160 of about 01-0130 which is right at their sunrise.

I think signals will be similar to ones we experienced from the South Sandwich group except with more QRN.  Their predictions for 10 and 12 show being better as we get into April.  We will see.

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