[SEDXC] Atlanta Hamfest - June 4th

iam4rb at aol.com iam4rb at aol.com
Wed May 25 07:27:38 EDT 2016

The SEDXC will have an indoor table at the Atlanta Hamfest on Saturday, June 4th to promote our cluband the world of DXing.  We stillneed a few more volunteers to help staff the table from 7:00 AM until 2:00 PM.   
Slots are filling upfast, so don't miss out on the fun.  Sign up now to help out and reserve acomfortable seat in the air conditioned building.  Please e-mail me and indicatethe time you would be willingto help.  
7:00 - setup    Gary, WB4SQ & John, N4TOL
8:00                Gary, WB4SQ
9:00                Neil, N4FN
11:00              Chuck, AE4CW & Chaz, W4GKF
12:00              Charles, K4GK & Bill, N4NX
2:00 - take down     
Hamfest info can befound at:       http://atlantahamfest.com/wordpress/
Thank you and 73,
John N4TOL

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