[SEDXC] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests
John Laney
k4bai at att.net
Tue Jul 3 14:21:00 EDT 2018
Late received score:
ARRL June VHF Contest
W4NH 237 117 32,520 MO HP 30 GA Ops: K4SQC, W4ZST, NX9O, WW8RR,
Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:
1. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test. 6/27/18, 1900Z
N4ZZ 121 101 12,221 SO LP 1.0 TN TCG
K0EJ 110 86 9,460 SO LP 1.0 TN TCG SO2R
AA4CF 79 72 5,688 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
KG5HVO 63 58 3,654 SO LP 1.0 AL GCG SO2R
K4HR 65 52 3,380 SO HP 1.0 SC SECC
NN4K 55 53 2,915 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
K4UB 48 42 2,016 SO LP 1.0 UT SECC
KR4AE 30 24 720 SO QRP 1.0 GA SECC
K2SX 21 21 441 SO HP 0:15 SC SECC
K1GU 17 17 289 SO HP 0:10 TN TCG
N4DT 12 12 144 SO QRP 0.5 SC
WD4EXI 11 10 110 SO QRP 0:40 GA
2. CWOps Club CWT Mini Test, 6/28/18, 0300Z
K1GU 115 115 13,225 SO HP 1.0 TN TCG
N4ZZ 122 97 11,834 SO LP 1.0 TN TCG
K4UB 91 73 6,643 SO LP 1.0 UT SECC
KG5HVO 93 69 6,417 SO LP 1.0 AL GCG SO2R
NN4K 54 54 2,916 SO HP 1.0 GA SECC
K2SX 32 32 1,024 SO HP 0:15 SC SECC
KJ4M 34 28 952 SO QRP 0:50 AL
K4WG 29 27 783 SO LP 0:45 AL
N4DT 15 15 225 SO QRP 0:40 SC
W4MJE 10 10 100 SO HP 0:20 AL
3. NCCC NS Sprint, 6/29/18
K4BAI 49 37 1,813 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
KU8E 42 34 1,428 SO LP 0.5 GA SECC
4. RAC Canada Day Contest
K4BAI 536 173 30 15 178,110 SO AB HP 16:06 GA SECC
K3IE 291 34 23 8 60,326 SO AB HP 4 TN ACG
WA8OJR 121 0 18 0 12,240 SOAB/CW LP 7.5 SC SECC
KU8E 137 0 15 0 8,400 SOAB/CW HP 2:30 GA SECC
N4UC 88 0 14 0 8,316 SOAB/CW HP 2.5 AL ACG
W4NBS 12 0 5 0 529 SOAB/CW LP 0.3 AL ACG
5. Adventure Radio Society July Spartan Sprint
K4BAI 13 13 SO QRP (Tubby) 1:45 GA SECC
This Week's Contests:
1. Phone Fray. Every Tuesday night local date. 0230-0259Z Wed, 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M SSB. 100W power limit. Exchange: name + SPC. Mults
count per band. Look around 21325, 14250, 7175, 3800, and 1875 khz.
2. CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests. Every Wednesday local date. Three
separate one-hour mini-tests. 1300Z, 1900Z, 0300Z (Thursday UTC date).
160-10M CW. Exchange: Name + CWOps# or SPC. Look around 028 to 046
kHz on each band and below 1830 on 160M. No QSY rule.
3. QRP Fox Hunts, Summer Series. 20M CW. 0100-0230Z Friday (Thursday
night local date). Two foxes (NK6A, DON, CA and K4BAI, JOHN, GA) will
be calling between 14050 and 14070 kHz. 5W max power and no spotting.
Exchange: RST , SPC, Name, Power. Foxes usually start split and often
go simplex when the pile up dies down. Hard for stations in the south
east to work me unless they are local to me. But, band should be good
to California and NK6A is a good operator.
4. NCCC RTTY Sprint. Each Thursday local date. 0145-0215Z Friday. 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M RTTY. 100W maximum power. Exchange: both calls, #,
name, SPC. Same band dupes OK after one intervening QSO. One/one kHz
QSY rule.
5. NCCC NS Sprint. Each Thursday local date, 0230-0259Z Friday. 15,
20, 40, 80, 160M CW. 100W maximum power. Exchange: both calls, #,
name, SPC. No same band dupes allowed. One/one kHz QSY rule.
6. Venezuelan Independence Day Contest. 24 hours of Saturday UTC.
160-10M. CW, SSB, PSK. Exchange: RS(T) + serial #. Work everyone. I
got a certificate yesterday from last year's contest that said I was #4
in the world, although I didn't make very many QSOs.
7. FISTS Summer Slow Speed Sprint. 0000 to 0400Z Sat. 100W max power.
Max speed: 13 WPM. 80-10M CW. Exchange: RST + SPC + name + FISTS #
or power.
8. DL-DX RTTY Contest. 1100Z Sat to 1059Z Sun. 80-10M RTTY. Exchange:
RST + QSO#. Work everybody.
9. Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprintathon. 1200Z Sat to 2400Z
Sun. 160-6M CW. Use only a mechanical key. Exchange: RST + SPC +
Name + CWOps # or "NONE." Bonus points for working the original 13
colonies (MA or ME counts for MA). (VA or WV counts for VA). (MD and
DC count for MD). Also bonus points for QSOs with UK and France. And
bonus points for spelling out the names of the colonies with letters of
call signs worked in the original 13 colonies, UK, and France. You can
use each qualifying letter in a call twice. Is that complicated enough?
At any rate, any QSOs made from GA or SC or NC give possible bonus
points to everyone you work.
10. Marconi Memorial HF Contest. 1400Z Sat to 1400Z Sun. 160-10M CW.
Exchange: RST + serial #. Work everyone.
11. 4 States QRP Group Second Sunday Sprint. 0000-0200Z Monday (Sunday
night local date). 160-10M, CW, SSB. Exchange: RS(T), SPC, 4S# or
power. Most activity appears to be around 14060, 7118, 7040, and 3564 kHz.
Hope everyone has a good week and weekend. I will be going to
Wittenburg, Germany to be a referee for a team in WRTC 2018 the next
weekend. I will leave on Tuesday and return on Tuesday, July 10 to 17.
KG5HVO from Montgomery will be going as a competitor (with CE2LR).
K4AB will also be a referee. I will try to get out a report next week
late Monday, so please post your scores to 3830, SKCC, or directly to me
ASAP. The next weekly report will be late the following week. Hope
everyone has a good next couple of weeks. Don't forget the IARU RS, a
really fun and active contest, that runs the same time as the WRTC
event. 73, John, K4BAI.
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