[SEDXC] Fwd: ARRL DXCC Card Checking & Outgoing QSLs for Bureau

Bill Barr N4NX n4nx at comcast.net
Wed Oct 31 14:01:36 EDT 2018

-------- Original Message ----------
From: Bill Barr N4NX <n4nx at comcast.net>
To: sedxc at yahoogroups.com
Date: October 31, 2018 at 1:58 PM
Subject: ARRL DXCC Card Checking & Outgoing QSLs for Bureau


I will be available to check DXCC applications at the Stone Mountain Hamfest this coming Saturday November 3rd ( only ).  I will be rotating my location between The Southeastern DX Club table and Tables 61 & 62 in the indoor bone yard.  Tables 61 and 62 will be manned by members of the Gateway Amateur Radio Club.  As always applications & cards maybe left with the SEDXC members manning the SEDXC table.


1.  You must bring a self addressed Stamped envelope with your application.  The envelope should be addressed to the ARRL DXCC Desk. If wish you may purchase said stamped envelope from me for just 50 cents.

2. I HIGHLY recommend that you use the ARRL ON LINE DXCC application.  This simplifies my job, the ARRL's DXCC staff's job and most importantly will greatly reduce the processing time at the ARRL DXCC Desk!!!

This online process also allows you PAY processing fees on line and print down the entire application for my checking.

3.  If for whatever reason you decide to create your own application by hand ( PLEASE DON'T ) -- you must bring a check made payable to the ARRL for the CORRECT processing fees  or use your personal credit card.  I will not accept CASH.

If you are an SEDXC member I will accept your personal QSLs for the ARRL OUTGOING QSL  Bureau. The cost of this ARRL service is 14 cents per QSL for SEDXC members only.  Cards must be sorted in order by DXCC Identity.

I may be reached while I am at the hamfest by my cell phone # 770-634-1550.  I suggest you text me as I don't always hear my phone ring when in crowded areas.  

Feel free to forward this information to other HAMS or CLUBS that may be interested.

If you have questions please email me at dxcc at n4nx.com.  mailto:dxcc at n4nx.com  I would also appreciate an email informing me of your intent to have your DXCC application checked and let me know how many total QSLs will be in your application.

I am also authorized to check all other ARRL Awards and ALL CQ Magazine awards.  If your scanned over the above instructions Please go back and read.  Thanks.


Bill N4NX


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