[SEDXC] 6 meter signals

David Kuechenmeister n4kd at bellsouth.net
Fri Feb 22 09:19:43 EST 2019

 Hi, Considering the popularity of FT8, I would try using that mode. There's more info here: The NEW FT8 mode for WSJT-X
vy 73,Dave N4KD

|  | 
The NEW FT8 mode for WSJT-X




    On Friday, February 22, 2019, 8:24:45 AM EST, Jim Altman <jaltman636 at gmail.com> wrote:  
 I am seeing some 6 meter digital signals that I cannot figure out what mode
they are.  Some center around 50.260 and some around 50.240.  Anyone tell me
the mode?  I tried q/bpsk and they are clearly not rtty.

73 de w4uck

Jim Altman
jaltman636 at gmail.com

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