Mike Greenway K4PI at Bellsouth.net
Thu Jan 3 14:04:48 EST 2019

Hi John, my email was in reference to FT8 only.  The JA are limited to 
using FT8 in the 1907.5 to 1912 area only.  For CW they have been using 
1800-1825 or so for some years.  If you have any interest in working JA 
on FT8 you will need to transmit on 1840 and work split listening in the 
range 1907.5 to 1912.  I usually tune 1908.  They are hampered by this 
situation as most of Asia is allowed to use 1840 for FT8 so the JA most 
work most of their DX by splitting to 1840.  I think there are Japanese 
maritime stations in the range above 1825 and below 1900 if is illegal 
for them to transmit in that area.

Some stations outside JA do have a transmit antennas that will work in 
the 1900 range so you could move up there and transmit but in my 
situation with an array it would be a major operation to change the 
operating range of my transmit antenna, hence the split.  And with CW 
you need to watch below 1825 for them.  I have worked them as high as 
1824 so I think they are staying 1 Khz away from the limit.  73 Mike K4PI

On 1/2/2019 8:01 PM, John Laney wrote:
> Mike: That info on JAs on 160M is years out of date.  They were once 
> limited to 1907-1912, but no longer.  I don't have the exact 
> frequencies, but they are QRV about 1805 to 1820 or something like 
> that.  I am sure you can find it on the internet somewhere.  They have 
> been down on part of the low end for maybe 20 years.  73, John, K4BAI.
> On 1/2/2019 7:25 PM, Mike Greenway wrote:
>> Not as much rare stuff on 30 Long Path this afternoon but there were 
>> tons of JA.. 9V1YC and a BH4 were in there.
>> Just a note, and you may already be aware.. if you want to work JA on 
>> 160 they have to use around 1908 Khz while we use 1840.  I worked 5 
>> of them this morning but conditions did not seem that great.  73 Mike 
>> K4PI
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