Stephen Walls swalls46 at att.net
Thu Jun 4 08:59:28 EDT 2020

Sounds great.
I look forward to your reports---I usually keep one eye on 6 during this time of the year.
30 JAs----wow
    On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 11:58:25 PM EDT, Mike / K4PI <k4pi at bellsouth.net> wrote:  
 Last year I gave updates on the status of 6 M daily.  Not sure if anyone 
is interested in hearing or not but I will post at least this one.   All 
information is in regard to FT8 mode. Today was a big day.  4U1UN was 
active most all morning into this area.  New one for a lot of guys on 
6.  Lots of activity into the western reaches of USA along with some 
EA8.  Tonight starting around 22:30 we had a incredible strong opening 
to Japan.  It lasted until around 00:30 GMT.  There would be 25-30 JA 
decodes on the ODD sequence.  N3XX south of ATL worked HL3GOB for a new 
one.  I worked 30 JA and XX said he worked 44.  Others in the area with 
small yagis and some power were able to work them.

 From the last few weeks in May to now we have had a few opening to EU 
but nothing strong.  TT8SN was worked by some in the area. Lot of EA, 
EA8, CT up to now.  I have heard a lot but the openings have not been 
strong up to now but expect the to be soon.  I have heard HA, 9A, G, YO, 
S5, ZB2, EA9, EA, EA8, TT, TF, F, I, DL, and some other cant remember 
off top of my head.  The season is looking good so far with the peak 
around the end of June.  But July should be strong.

73 Mike K4PI

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