[SEDXC] Fwd: SK Estate Sale

Tue Oct 27 22:56:44 EDT 2020

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Subject: 	[SEDXC] SK Estate Sale
Date: 	Tue, 27 Oct 2020 18:10:39 -0700
From: 	Barclay Thomas / WT4BT <wt4bt at blomand.net>
Reply-To: 	SEDXC at groups.io
To: 	SEDXC at groups.io

          Estate Sale - K4HUO/SK

Note: All of these items have been “dormant” since 2016. They were in 
operation up until his sudden passing.
All gear is "Pick Up" in Spring City, TN. or we can arrange a delivery 
of some sort.

-*Icom IC-765* HF radio: *$575 or B/O*

-*Icom SP-20* speaker: *$120 or B/O*

-*Collins 30L* 1 KW linear amplifier: *$550 or B/O*

-*Hallicrafters SR-150* HF transceiver with Hallicrafters SR-150/120 
power supply and speaker: *$400 or B/O *(will not be sold separately)

-*Tri-Ex 51 foot Tower*, manual crank-up: *$400 or B/O* (Must be 
removed. Lowered but not tilted over, antennas not removed).

-*CDE Ham-II* Rotator and controller: *$100 or B/O*

-*Hy-Gain TH6-DX* “Thunderbird” tri-band antenna, 6-element, 10-15-20 
meter, 24 foot boom: *$100 or B/O*

*Model 1220* power supply (mfg. unknown), 13.8V/20A: *$40 or B/O*

-*MFJ 259B* antenna analyzer with carry case: *$150 or B/O*

-*MFJ-820*(?) power meter: *$35 or B/O*

-*Triplett model 310-E *VOM, (analog, an oldie but a goody!), seems to 
work AOK: *$40 or B/O*

Two (2) “Mystery boxes with wires, warts, cables and odd stuff: *$20 
each or B/O*

The gear *must move* as the house is being listed.

*Contact me direct at:*

wt4btmac AT gmail DOT com

with any questions or offers.

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