K4PI.Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Wed May 19 10:45:54 EDT 2021

We have been getting SA and some AF last few weeks but today I think we 
can make the official opening as tons of EU was in this morning.  On 
average they are not due until around the first week in June but the 
band was loaded this morning starting around 11:35 GMT or so and ran 
until around 13 GMT.  Died pretty much at that time here but seeing some 
signs of it coming back around 1445 but will have to wait and see.  
TR8CA was worked by several of us in the area yesterday around 1700.  
5T5PA was also heard in the area along with a few EU.

The high decode number for me was 35 EU on one seq but on average ran 
lower than that ie 15-20.  KX4R being on a high location was seeing way 
more than me.  Some of the more uncommon heard 406, 4O3, E73, lot of 
garden variety G, EI, DL, GM, ON, F, 9A, S5, OE, HB9 etc Seeing US0KW 
strong now at 1445.

73 good hunting  Mike K4PI

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