K4PI.Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Mon May 31 23:58:11 EDT 2021

There has not be a lot out of EU to report.  Just shallow openings.  
Today we had some African action.  Around 18:45 6W1TA came in and 
several locals worked him.  He was only in for a total of 3 minutes here 
so you had to be sitting at the controls.  Around  1900 GMT TZ4AM was in 
here for a while on CW good signal.  Back on FT8 there was D4VHF I 
believe the call was.  I did hear a SV and 4O3 but limited opening.  EA8 
as usual.  We had a JA opening starting around 21:10 lasting til around 
22:10. Mostly JA8 area with a few JA1...  Good hunting.

73 Mike K4PI

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