K4PI.Mike Greenway K4PI at BELLSOUTH.NET
Mon Sep 26 08:11:41 EDT 2022

Last night the K got down to 0 and 17 and 15 were nice to AS.  Some 
highlights, around 8-10 PM local direct path to XV, on 17 several HS, 
BG, and on 15 JT, BA,  I got up this morning and around 7:45 AM local 10 
and 12 were already open Long Path to VR, BD, of lot of JA, YB, DU and 
should be better if conditions hold this morning.  Could be a super day 
If you need much in AF,  then 7Q7, 9J2, D2 are on every day some band 17 
-10 M with good FT8 signals.

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