[SESprint] K4AAA CW Sprint Audio
Bill Coleman
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 10:04:41 -0400
On 9/26/02 10:10 PM, Bill Fisher, W4AN at w4an@contesting.com wrote:
>To me, it is interesting to see how many QSOs result from CQing. I used
>to think of this contest as purely S&P. Heck, just 2 years ago I hardly
>ever called CQ and still made 350 QSOs once.
I don't think that's surprising at all, Bill. Let me give you the
mediocre CW operator perspective: During the sprint, there are a lot of
stations sending a lot of QRQ CW with a lot of data I can't always copy.
It's hard to figure out who is going to remain on frequency -- especially
when one can't copy the full call sign on the first try. (or you aren't
sure of one of the letters)
However, a CQ is a dead giveaway. I can copy CQ at 50 wpm or more. It's
unmistakable. Once I hear that CQ, I can catch the call. I KNOW this guy
is calling, and can call him back.
One thing I don't like is people sending CQ K4AAA NA. This often screws
me up, and sometimes NA is the only part of the call I get. CQ NA K4AAA
is better. If you send NA K4AAA, I'm likely to miss you. (Although we did
work on 40m, your QSO # 263 -- I'll lay odds you called CQ then) That may
be OK, since QRS operators may sometimes slow you down....
>It is also interesting to see how few QSOs come from stations calling me
>right after a QSO.
Is it? How often do you hang around waiting for the end of a QSO? From
the short segment of audio, it doesn't sound like you listened to many
QSOs. If you happened to come across it at the right moment, you'd call.
How likely is that?
>I have N6TR's audio here, but haven't had any time to review it. I'm
>hoping we can post some of this audio somewhere for everyone to
>review. I'll be putting more of mine up soon.
Thanks, Bill.
Bill Coleman, AA4LR, PP-ASEL Mail: aa4lr@arrl.net
Quote: "Not within a thousand years will man ever fly!"
-- Wilbur Wright, 1901