[SESprint] Calling all SE Sprinters

Scott W4PA w4pa at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 3 08:25:21 EST 2003


I'll be organizing and submitting the teams for the Southern
States Sprint Coalition entry for the CW Sprint this coming weekend
in lieu of W4AN.

This is a group effort among TCG, SECC, and FCG to assure that
the California contest clubs get a run for their money in the
team competition.  The 9/02 contest saw SSSC #1 win the team
category by a comfortable margin over both NCCC and SCCC.

We had more than 40 ops from the southeastern USA participate in
the last set of teams from 9/02.  If you are planning to operate
*even part time, low power, or QRP* we'd like to have you on a
SSSC team.  Preference given to the W4 and W5 call areas, but we'll
take some close by folks as well.  

Email me via w4pa at yahoo.com to be placed on a team.

Will someone at FCG please pass this along to their reflector as well?

Scott W4PA

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