[SESprint] CW Sprint teams Sept 10

Dave Mueller N2NL n2nl at n2nl.net
Fri Sep 10 17:54:08 EDT 2004

Unfortunately, the FCG has been hammered.  W1YL, K4XS, K1TO, N4TO, K1PT, 
K4MM, K4LQ, W4SAA, K9ES, W4IX, ETC ETC ETC have already suffered damage 
from Bonnie, Charley, and now Francis.  Some have lost antennas, others 
entire towers.  Ivan is bearing down and could directly impact Florida 
with another strong hurricane.  Many have taken their antennas down.  
Many others are still without power.  The FL Keys are being evacuated - 
my wife had to drive 350 miles to Orlando today, with a 10 month old and 
9 year old in the back seat.  I might not have a house after this 
weekend if it hits Key West head on.   I'm stuck at a USCG school in 
NCAL and due to the curriculum, won't be able to break away. 

Sometimes, other things are just more important.  I don't need to 
operate the sprint in order to honor my friend.

I'm not trying to be harsh, or to try slamming anyone.  It's just reality.

73, Dave N2NL\6

ku8e at bellsouth.net wrote:

> It sure would be nice if we had a better turnout. We had 5 teams in the Feb
>2004 Sprint and right now Scott only has enough guys to form maybe 2 teams ???
>Hey.. those of you subscibed to this reflector that haven't signed up yet... lets hear from you... even if are just going PT. Let's have a good showing from the SE and honor our old friend Bill..
>                             Jeff, KU8E
>>From: "Scott R." <w4pa at yahoo.com>
>>Date: 2004/09/10 Fri AM 11:01:57 EDT
>>To: tcg at k4ro.net,  k9ay at k9ay.com,  sesprint at contesting.com
>>Subject: [SESprint] CW Sprint teams Sept 10
>>Anyone else before I put them in? 
>>Looking for signups for the Southeast Sprint Coalition teams for CW
>>Sprint (TCG, FCG, SECC, and other W4 and W5's) for Sept. 11th.  I'll
>>be submitting the team to NCJ on Friday the 10th.
>>On the list so far in no particular order:
>>KU8E (@WW4LL)
>>N2NL tentative - if so, operating from W6
>>K4NO part time
>>K4AQ low team
>>AA4LR low team
>>W9WI maybe PT - will decide
>>K4GA low team
>>W1ZM (K0EJ, op)
>>AA4GA low team 
>>K5KG/7 low power/wires/Utah
>>Scott W4PA	
>>Do you Yahoo!?
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>SESprint at contesting.com

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