[SESprint] CW Sprint team TCG SECC FCG ?

Scott Robbins w4pa at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 23 09:18:29 EST 2006

NAQP's are over for the season, how about we put together the Southeast Sprint
Coalition teams for the Sprints?  

Anyone want to do one for SSB?

I volunteer myself to put together the CW team.  Sending this message to the
SESprint email reflector and TCG - please forward to FCG and SECC.  To join the
CW Sprint team(s), please send a message to w4pa at yahoo.com

Scott W4PA

W4PA 2005-2006 Contest Calendar
Sept 11:  CW Sprint SOABHP
Oct 29/30:  CQ WW SSB SOABHP @ VY2ZM as VY2PA
Nov 5/6: CW SS casual operation SOABHP, home QTH
Nov 18/19:  SS SSB M/S as K4JNY @ K4JNY.  6 ops.
Nov 25/26:  CQ WW CW M/M - PJ2T
Feb 11: CW Sprint SOABHP
Feb 18/19: ARRL DX CW - Barbados - SOABHP - 8P*** call TBA.
Mar 4/5: ARRL DX SSB - unknown.  PJ2T M/2 ??
Mar 25/26: WPX SSB M/S as KM9P @ K4JNY
May 27/28: WPX CW SOABHP as KM9P @ K4JNY

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