[SESprint] Claimed Scores Last Weekend's Contests; This Weekend's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Sep 20 11:23:52 EDT 2006

Last Weekend's Contests:

1.  NCCC Thursday Night SSB Sprint Practice
K4BAI     14   6     84             0.5      HP

2.  NCCC Friday Night SSB Sprint Practice
K4BAI     28  10    280             0.5      HP

3.  FISTS Get Your Feet Wet Weekend
K4BAI     49  14    924             5:21     SOABHP

4.  QRP Afield
K4BAI      5   4    100             0:07     SO 20M QRP

5.  QCWA Fall QSO Party
K4BAI     34  26  1,716             1:47     SOABHP

6.  SC QSO Party
Call   CW Q   Ph Q   Mult  Score
K4BAI     2      2   4     24           0:07  SO 40M HP

7.  Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW
K4EA    225          95    38,000       ?     SOABHP  SO2R
K4BAI   107          45     5,805       5:05  SOABHP
KU8E     39          25     2,325       2.0   SOABLP

8.  NA Sprint, SSB
K4BAI         220    44     9,680       4.0   HP  SSC
NB1B          190    42     7,980       4.0   HP  SSC
WW4LL         182    40     7,462       4.0   HP  SSC
K7SV          165    43     7,260       4.0   LP  SSC
NF4A          121    35     4,356       2.0   HP  SSC
KU8E          108    34     3,780       1.5   LP  SSC
KT4Q          103    33     3,399       4.0   LP
NA4BW         102    33     3,366       4.0   QRP SSC
KF4GTA         99    30     2,070       3:30  LP  SSC

9.  Washington State Salmon Run Contest
K4ZGB    71    48    25     9,500      12:30  SOHP
K4BAI    74    34    19     6,916       6:50  SOHP
W4NTI    58    23    20     6,560       9.0   SOLP
K4BK     44    22    18     4,460      12.0   SOLP
NA4BW    26     0    13     1,852       1.0   SOQRP
N4PN/M    0    15    12       360       1.5   SOLP

10. Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon
K4BAI    45          34     4,176       2.0   QRP5W

Contest coming up this week and this weekend:

1.  NAQCC QRP 80/40/20M Straight Key/Bug Contest.  0030-0230 Thursday 
(Wed Night local).  Exchange:  RST + SPC + NAQCC Member # or power. 
Multipliers for straight key or bug use, but you can participate using a 
keyer or your computer keying.  Special award this month for most 
Canadian QSOs.

2.  NCCC Thursday Night CW Sprint Practice.  0230-0259Z Friday. 
Probably 40 and 20 CW, maybe 80 too.  Announcement should be out 
shortly.  Dupes OK after one intervening QSO.  1 kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both calls + # + name + SPC.

3.  CQ WW DX Contest, RTTY.  48 hours of Sat and Sun.  80-10M RTTY.  RST 
+ State or Province of US/VE stations + CQ zone.  Work all stations, 
including same country, for QSO points.

4.  Scandinavian Activitiy Contest, SSB.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  80-10M 
SSB.  RS + serial #.

5.  Texas QSO Party.  14Z Sat - 02Z Sun; 14-20Z Sun.  All bands except 
WARC.  Bonus for multiple QSOs with TX mobiles.  Do two complete 
exchanges for two QSOs with stations on county lines.  Log plus summary 
sheet required.  Modules for lots of logging programs available on website.

6.  UBA (Belgium) CW Contest.  06-10Z Sun.  80M CW.  RS + Serial #. 
Work only Belgian stations.

7.  Fall QRP Homebrewer Sprint.  00-04Z Mon (Sun local).  CW/PSK. 
80-10M.  RST + SPC + power output.  Multipliers for homebrew or kit gear.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs.


John, K4BAI.

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