[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Weekend's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Feb 7 11:29:37 EST 2007

Claimed scores, last weekend's contests:

1.  North American Sprint, SSB
K4RO    200  39  7,800  4.0  HP  SSC#1 TN
K4BAI   186  39  7,254  4.0  HP  SSC#1 GA
N4PN    172  37  5,994  4.0  LP  SSC#1 GA
K4BP    157  33  5,181  3.0  HP  SSC#2 TN
KU8E    136  33  4,488  3.0  HP  SSC#1 GA
WW4LL   131  33  4,323  4.0  LP  SSC#1 GA
K4UJ    126  33  4,158  3.25 HP  SSC#1 GA
N4ZZ    112  29  3,248  1.82 HP  SSC#1 TN  SO2R
K5NZ    113  27  3,051  3:20 QRP SSC#2 TX
NA4BW    90  29  2,610  4.0  QRP SSC#1 GA
KB4ET    51  21  1,122  2.5  LP  SSC#1 FL
W4PA     37  22    814  0:30 LP  SSC#2 TN


SSC#1  9  40,997  No report from K4NO yet
SSC#2  3   9,046  No report from K4WW yet

2.  XE International RTTY Contest
W4UK   330  75  61,350  11.4   SO1R HP  SC
KR4F   192  56  27,384   9.7   SO1R HP  AL
N4CBK  163  42  16,800  10     SO1R LP  AL
KE4KWE 180  31  13,237   5.25  SO1R LP  AL

3.  Minnesota QSO Party
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Mult  Score   Time   Category  State
N4PN   196   85    78    37,206  10     SOHP      GA
K4BAI   70   15    40     6,200   2:54  SOHP      GA

4.  FOC Marathon
Call  QSOs  DXCC Cont  5banders 6banders  score  time  category State
K4BAI 634   50   6     17       3         949    20:47 HP       GA
KU8E  470   39   6     11       1         693   ~15    HP       GA

5.  Vermont QSO Party
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Cty Club  Score  Time  Category  State
K4BAI  1     4     4   3     42     0:17  HP        GA

6.  Delaware QSO Party
Call   CW Q  Ph Q  Cty  Score   Time  Category  State
K4BAI  0     2     2    4       0:02  HP        GA

7.  January 31 Barbershop Quarter QRP Contest
K4BAI  7  5  2535  0:38  QRP 5W  GA

8.  February 2 NCCC NA Sprint SSB Practice
K4BAI 19  10  190  0:30  HP  GA

9.  February Spartan Sprint
K4BAI  50      50  1:45  Tubby  GA

10. FYBO Winter QRP Sprint
K4BAI  1  1  1  1  0:01  QRP5W  GA

This weekend is another very busy contest weekend:

1.  NCCC Thursday Night Sprint Practice.  Probably usual NA Sprint rules 
  plus 160M and dupes after one intervening QSOs and limited to 100 
watts.  Will send out announcement when it is received.

2.  CQ WorldWide RTTY Contest.  48 hours of the weekend UTC.  80-10M 
RTTY.  Single Ops operate maximum 30 hours, with one hour minimum off 
times.  Exchange:  RST + Serial #.

3.  NH QSO Party.  0001Z Sat to 0001Z Mon.  CW/Ph/Digital.  Exchange: 
RS(T) + SPC or NH County.  160-2M.  12 bonus stations.  CW: 35 khz up. 
Ph:  1875, 3870, 7235, 14380, 21380, 28390, 50135, 144.25, 146.55.  Note 
the link on the website for the offical entry forms should read: w1fz 
instead of w1zf.

4.  Asia-Pacific CW Sprint.  11-13Z Sat.  40, 20 M CW.  RST + Serial #. 
  one khz. QSY rule.

5.  Dutch PACC Contest.  12Z Sat to 12Z Sun.  CW/SSB.  160-10M.  Send 
RS(T) + serial #, get RS(T) + 2 letter province abbreviation.

6.  YL/OM SSB Contest.  14Z Sat to 02Z Mon.  SSB.  QSO#, RS, SPC. OMs 
work YLs only and vice versa.

7.  LA QSO Party.  15Z Sat to 03Z Sun.  CW/Digital, Phone, or Mixed. 
RS(T) + SPC or La parish.  Bonus for a QSO with W5YL.  40 khz up on CW 
and 1865, 3865, 7255, 14255, 21365, 28465, 50135, 144.21.

8.  OMISS QSO Party.  15Z Sat to 1459Z Sun.  80-10M SSB.  RS + SPC + 
OMISS# if you have one.

9.  BC QSO Challenge.  16Z Sat to 0359 Sun.  160-6M CW, SSB, Digital. 
RST + SPC or 2 letter District # for BC stations.  Extra points for VE7SUN.

10.  FISTS Winter Sprint.  17-21Z Sat.  80-10M CW.  (around 058 on each 
band).  Maximum power 100 watts.  RST + SPC + Name + FISTS# or power.

11.  North American Sprint, CW.  00-04Z Sat.  80, 40, 20 CW.  Exchange: 
both calls, #, name, SPC.

There are also two DX 160M contests this weekend. The Japanese KCJ 
contest is 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun, CW only.  RST + JA district code or RST + 
continent.  The RSGB 160M contest is 21Z Sat to 01Z Sun on CW.  RST + UK 
Dist Code or Serial #.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs!  73, John, K4BAI.

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