[SESprint] [Fwd: Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Week's Contests]
John Laney
k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Wed Sep 12 14:02:40 EDT 2007
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Claimed Scores, Last Weekend's Contests; This Week's Contests
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 14:01:50 -0400
From: John Laney <k4bai at worldnet.att.net>
Organization: AT&T WorldNet Service
To: secc <secc at contesting.com>, ACG <acg at alabamacontestgroup.org>,
ssc at contesting.com
Last week's contests:
1. North American Sprint, CW
W4PA 345 46 15,870 HP 4.0 TN SSC Team At W4NZ
K4BAI 325 46 14,950 HP 4.0 GA SSC
N4OGW 345 43 14,835 HP 4.0 MS
W4OC 314 46 14,444 HP 4.0 SC SSC
K4RO 298 44 13,112 HP 4.0 TN SSC
KU8E 263 44 11,572 HP 4.0 GA SSC
K2SX 253 43 10,879 HP 4.0 SC
K1ZZI 294 40 7,760 HP 4.0 GA SSC
N4GG 158 35 5,372 HP 2:28 GA
NA4BW 105 35 3,675 QRP 4.0 GA SSC
N3ZL 112 29 3,248 LP 4.0 SC SSC
AA4LR GA SSC No report yet
N4OX FL SSC No report yet
2. NCCC NA Sprint CW Practice, 9/7
N4GG 38 22 836 HP 0.5 GA SO2R
K1ZZI 28 17 476 HP 0.5 GA
NA4BW 25 13 325 LP 0.5 GA
W4BQF 15 14 144 HP 0:20 GA
3. ARRL September VHF QSO Party
N4LY 290 138 53,406 SOLP 26 SC
N5BO 54 41 2,214 SOLP 2 FL
K4BAI 2 1 2 SOLP 0:02 GA
4. Tennessee QSO Party
Call CW Q Ph Q Dig Q Mul Score Cat Time State
K4BK 43 17 0 44 7,961 SoFixLP 4.75 FL
K4BAI 45 2 0 40 5,760 SOFixHP 2.0 GA
N4JF 36 7 0 43 5,346 SOFixQRP 3 AL
K4ZGB 43 5 0 36 5,104 SOFixLP 3:30 AL
K4OD 31 12 0 29 3,593 SOFixLP 7 GA
K4PIC 35 0 0 25 2,825 SOFixHP ? GA
K1ZZI 42 0 1 27 2,268 SOFixHP 2 GA
NA4BW 25 3 0 22 1,882 SPFixLP 1:25 GA
N4GG 16 2 0 16 932 SOFixHP ? GA
N3ZL 11 0 0 10 530 SOFixLP 0.25 SC
Thanks to N4JF for pointing out that multipliers are now counted PER
BAND. Some of the claimed scores above probably should be adjusted
upward when that rule is considered. My logging program wasn't up to
date, but I refigured the score after Jerry pointed out this rule.
I also worked two stations in the Arkansas QSO Party and about 35 in WAE
SSB with 20 QTCs sent. Haven't figured the score yet as I was still
having problems with the QTC feature of the logging program and it isn't
enought to bother too much with.
I received about 1300 QSLs from the incoming ARRL bureau (thanks W4BUW)
last Tuesday and most of what would have been operating time since then
has been devoted to preparing answers for those QSLs (to the extent that
I can find the QSOs in the logs).
I will be out of town most of this weekend attending a seminar in
Austin, TX, but should be in touch via e-mail. This week will include
the following contests:
1. NCCC NA Sprint SSB Practices. 0230 to 0259Z Fri and Sat (UTC),
Thurs and Fri local. Regular NA Sprint rules (see below).
2. FISTS Get Your Feet Wet Weekend (This is the replacement for the
old Novice Round-Up.) 00Z Friday to 14Z Sunday (72 hours). 80-10M CW.
Note suggested frequencies: 3558, 7110, 14110, 21110, 28110. Exchange:
RST + name + SPC + FISTS # or powr + last 2 digits of year licensed.
Define yourself as "Novice" or "Experienced" and add /N or /E after your
call. No memory or programable keyers or Code readers. Regular
electonic keyers OK (just don't use the memory of your keyer or logging
program). This can be fun for the newcomer to CW contesting. I worked
a few hours last year to encourage newcomers. Keep the speed down, of
3. Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW. 12Z Sat to 12Z Sun. 80-10M CW.
Exchange: RST + serial #.
4. South Carolina QSO Party. 13Z Sat to 21Z Sun. 160-UHF,
CW/Ph/Digital. Exchange: Serial # + SPC or SC county. Let's encourage
our SC members and neighbors in this annual contest. Seems in the past
there has been a lot of 40M phone activity in this one.
5. QRP Afield Contest. 15Z to 21Z Saturday. 160-10M all modes. RS(T)
+ SPC + power or New England QRP member #.
6. Washington State Salmon Run. 16Z Sat to 07Z Sun. 16-24Z Sun.
CW/SSB/Dig. 160-6M. RS(T) + SPC or WA county.
7. Quarter Century Wireless Association Fall QSO Party. 18Z Sat to 18Z
Sun. 160M-UHF CW/Ph. Exchange: Last two digits of year licensed + SPC
or QCWA Chapter #. Non-members send SPC.
8. North American Sprint, SSB. 00-04Z Sun (Sat night local). 80-20M
SSB. Exchange: both calls, #, name, SPC. QSY 5 khz after you get an
answer to a CQ. One khz QSY after you work someone on their CQ. Please
join up for the ssc team if you aren't on another team. E-mail
ku8e at bellsouth.net.
9. Flying Pigs QRP Club Run for the Bacon. 01-03Z Mon (Sun night
local). 160-10M CW. 5W Maximum. Exchange: RST + SPC + Member # or power.
The QRP Fox Hunts are complete for the summer. New Fox Hunts for the
fall and winter on 40 and 80M will be announced soon.
This report will probably be sent on Thursday next week due to my trip
to Austin. Hope everyone has fun and a lot of QSOs, including seveal
with 3B7C.
John, K4BAI.
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