[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at worldnet.att.net
Thu Aug 6 12:08:04 PDT 2009

1.  North American QSO Party, CW
NR5M  1659  247  409,773  M/2LP  12     TX  Ops included KB4KBS of SECC
N4AF  1088  227  246,976  SOLP   10     NC  PVRC  SECC#1
N4GG   972  202  196,344  SOLP   10     GA  SECC  SECC#1
W4OC   763  219  167,097  SOLP   10     SC  SECC  SECC#1
K0EJ   816  202  164,821  SOLP   10     TN  TCG   TCG-VOL  At K4BP
W4NZ   856  192  164,352  SOLP   10     TN  TCG   TCG-VOL  SO2R
K4BAI  619  185  114,515  SOLP    8:17  GA  SECC  SECC#2
K9AY   630  180  113,400  SOLP    9.6   WI
K4IQJ  619  182  112,658  SOLP   10     AL  ACG   ACG-ATW
N4OX   658  169  111,033  SOLP   10     FL  ACG   ACG-ATW
K2SX   580  183  106,720  SOLP    9.6   SC  SECC  SECC#4
K1ZZI  610  152   92,720  SOLP    7     GA  SECC  SECC#1
WA1FCN 583  159   92,697  SOLP   10     AL  ACG   ACG-ATW
W4BQF  592  148   88,208  SOLP    7.8   GA  SECC  SECC#4
KU8E   505  165   83,830  SOLP    8:45  GA  SECC  SECC#1
W4AU   581  130   75,530  SOLP    7.5   VA  PVRC  SECC#2
NM2L   550  137   75,350  SOLP    9.35  GA  SECC  SECC#2
W4HOD  533  136   72,488  SOLP   10     AL  ACG   ACG-ATW  By K9MUG
N3ZL   457  156   71,292  SOLP    9.99  SC  SECC  SECC#3
K4ZGB  496  142   70,432  SOLP   10     AL  ACG   ACG-ATW
WF4W   461  150   69,158  SOLP   10     GA  SECC  SECC#2
N4NX   430  140   60,200  SOLP    7     GA  SECC
NA4BW  359  130   46,670  SOQRP  10     GA  SECC  SECC#3
K4EA   366  117   42,844  SOLP    6     GA  SECC  SECC#2
WX4TM  300  133   39,900  SOLP    8     AL  ACG   ACG-PT
AA4LR  322  109   35,098  SOLP    5     GA  SECC  SECC#4
NF4A   293  110   32,230  SOLP    4.4   FL  ACG
K4AB   239  108   25,812  SOLP    3     AL  ACG   ACG-PT
KG4CUY 245  103   25,235  SOLP    6     AL  ACG
K4HAL  227   94   21,338  SOLP    4     AL  ACG   ACG-PT
AK4I   202   89   17,978  SOLP    9.5   GA  SECC
N4UC   148   77   11,396  SOQRP   3     AL  ACG
WA4ILO 167   68   11,356  SOLP    5:57  GA  SECC  SECC#4
W4MJA  115   67    7,705  SOLP    5:08  GA  SECC  SECC#3
W4SVO  133   48    6,384  SOLP    2     FL  SECC  SECC#4
KE4UNA 110   58    6,380  SOLP    6     AL  ACG   ACG-PT
KE4RQ   53   40    2,120  SOQRP   4:23  GA  SECC  SECC#3
K4OD    55   34    1,870  SOQRP   4     GA  SECC
N4XL    43   25    1,075  SOLP    1     SC  SECC  SECC#3
K4WI    30   21      630  SOLP    2     AL  ACG

Team Scores:

SECC#1   786,967
ACG-ATW  459,308
SECC#2   377,389
SECC#4   247,766
SECC#3   128,862
ACG-PT    93,430

Good turn out by all and this time all team members have reported 
scores.  Many had antenna and lightning problems.  K1ZZI lost his K3 to 
a lightning strike.  K4EA and KU8E had unexpected antenna problems that 
caused them to lose hours of operating time (and K4EA to be 
band-limited).  Remember that the weekend of August 15 is the SSB NAQP. 
  WA1FCN needs team members for ACG and K4BAI needs team members for SECC.

2.  NCCC Ladder 7/31/09
W4OC   64  38  2,432  SOLP  0.5  SC  SECC
W4NZ   56  34  1,904  SOLP  0.5  TN  TCG   SO2R
N4AF   61  30  1,830  SOLP  0.5  NC  PVRC  SO2R
K4BAI  53  32  1,696  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
K1ZZI  48  35  1,680  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC

3.  North American QSO Party, Practice
N4GG   48  40  1,920  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
K1ZZI  31  26    806  SOLP  0.5  GA  SECC
NA4BW  26  17    442  SOQRP 0.5  GA  SECC

Sorry, I forgot about this one!

4.  ARRL UHF Contest
W4WA   154  84  57,960  SOHP  16  GA
N1LF/R  45  21  21,350  SOLtdRover  6  AL  ACG

5.  10-10 International Club Summer Phone Contest

WX4MM  273         446  SOLP   9  AL  ACG

This Week's Contests:

1.  SNS Slow Speed NA Sprint Practice.  0200-0215 Friday (Thurs local). 
  100W maximum.  18 WPM maximum.  Dupes OK after one intervening QSO or 
band change.  One kHz QSY rule.  20, 40, 80 CW.  Exchange: both calls, 
#, name, SPC.

2.  NCCC Ladder.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thurs local).  100W maximum.  Dupes 
OK after band change or one intervening QSO.  One kHz QSY rule.  20, 40, 
80 CW.  Exchange:  both calls, #, name, SPC.  This will be the last 
event of the summer ladder series.  Look for some changes beginning next 
week, but there will continue to be a half hour contest practice every 
Thursday night local.

3.  Worked All Europe (WAE) CW Contest.  48 hours of Sat-Sun UTC.  36 
hrs max for single ops.  80-10M CW.  Exchange:  RST + Serial #.  QTCs 
may be sent by non-Europeans to Europeans (maximum of 10 per station). 
QTC consists of time, call, serial # received.  CT has a good program 
for these.  Note QSOs are not permitted above 3560, 7040, and 14060. 
Also note another change:  logs are due 14 days after the contest. 
There is a club aggregate score competition, so be sure to include your 
club name with your log.

4.  Maryland-District of Columbia QSO Party.  16Z Sat to 04Z Sun and 16Z 
to 2359Z Sun.  160-2M + 432 mHz.  Exchange:  SPC or MD county or DC plus 
class.  Classes are STD (most of us are STD), mobile, club, QRP.

5.  Straight Key Century Club Weekend Sprint (SKS or WES).  24 hours of 
Sunday UTC.  160-6M CW.  Use a mechanical key (hand key, bug, 
sideswiper).  Exchange:  RST, Name, SPC, SKCC# or "none."

6.  QRP Fox Hunt.  Tuesday night local.  0100-0230Z Wednesday.  Two QRP 
foxes will be hiding between 14050 and 14070.  5W maximum power.  Work 
only the two Foxes. Exchange:  RST, SPC, Name, Power.

7.  North American QRP CW Club Straight key/bug Sprint.  0030-0230Z Wed 
(Tuesday night local).  80, 40, 20M CW.  5W maximum power.  Exchange: 
RST, SPC, NAQCC# or power.  You are not required to use a mechanical 
key, but you can double your score by using a hand key and multiply by 1 
1/2 for using a bug.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and a lot of QSOs.  Post your scores to 
3830 or let me have them by Tuesday night, if possible.

I hope to get the Alpha 91B I purchased from the estate of KS4Q hooked 
up in time for some WAE QSOs this weekend.  The other two amps at my QTH 
need some repairs.

If you have a chance, please plan to attend the Huntsville Hamfest on 
the weekend of August 14-16.  There will be a lot of contest related 
activities to enjoy.

73,  John, K4BAI.

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