[SESprint] SECC Teams for NAQPs Winter 2014

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Fri Dec 27 14:13:19 EST 2013

Here are the dates for the NCJ North American QSO Parties this winter:
CW:  January 11-12.
SSB: January 18-10.
RTTY: February 22-23.

Each mode contest runs for 12 hours, but the maximum operating time for 
single ops is 10 hours.  Off-times must be at least 30 consecutive clock 

Exchange is  Name and State, Province, or North American country or just 
Name for stations outside NA.  Hawaii counts the same as any NA state.

Multipliers are earned per band, so there will be a lot of QSYing going 
on to maximize the mults worked.   The bands are 160 through 10M (except 
80 through 10 for RTTY).  Power is limited to 100W output with no 
external amps that are capable of more than 100W being permitted.  There 
is NO QSY rule (like there is in NA Sprint).

SECC will register teams for all three modes.  Teams are two to five 
single op entrants.  Separate teams will be registered for each mode. 
You need not be inside any circle or other geographical limitation to be 
a team.  So, we are inviting anyone interested in being in any of the 
NAQP contests and interested in being on a team to join one of our 
teams.   Feel free to pass this information on to your friends.  I will 
be registering the teams the Friday before each contest, so please let 
me know of your interest in being on a team along with approximately how 
much time you expect to be able to operate and your expected power level 
(let me know if you will be QRP).  If there is enough interest, we could 
have one or more QRP teams.  I will send everyone who has expressed 
interest an e-mail confirming the registration of the teams.

I look forward to hearing from many of you and having you participate on 
one of our teams on one or more modes this season.

Happy New Year to all.  73, John, K4BAI.

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