[SESprint] Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests; This Week's Contests

John Laney k4bai at att.net
Tue Sep 10 17:40:14 EDT 2013

Claimed Scores, Last Week's Contests:

1.  NCCC NS CW Practice, 9/6/13
W4OC   55  42  2,310  SO LP  0.5  SC  SECC  SO2R
K0EJ   40  31  1,240  SO LP  ___  TN  TCG
K1GU   39  28  1,092  SO LP  0.5  TN  TCG
KU8E   37  27    999  SO LP  0.5  GA  SECC

2.  NCCC NS Ladder RTTY, 9/6/13
K1GU   39   28  1,092  0.5  TN  TCG

3.  NCJ North American Sprint CW               Team
N4OGW   354  47  16,638  4.0   SO HP  MS  ACG   SESC#1  SO2R
W4OC    307  46  14,122  4.0   SO LP  SC  SECC          SO2R
W4NZ    307  46  14,122  4.0   SO HP  TN  TCG   Ad Hoc  SO2R
K4TD    278  46  12,789  4.0   SO HP  AL  ACG   SESC#1
K0EJ    300  42  12,600  4.0   SO HP  TN  TCG   SESC#1
W4AU    268  47  12,596  4.0   SO HP  VA  PVRC  SESC#1
K1GU    286  44  12,584  4.0   SO HP  TN  TCG   SECC#1
K1ZZI   274  44  12,056  ___   SO HP  GA  GCG   SESC#2
N4PN    280  43  12,040  4.0   SO HP  GA  GCG   SESC#1
KU8E    265  43  11,395  4.0   SO LP  GA  SECC  SESC#1
K4BAI   258  44  11,352  2:59  SO HP  GA  SECC  SESC#2
WJ9B    251  45  11,295  4.0   SO HP  ID  PVRC  SESC#1
K4FXN   227  42   9,534  4.0   SO HP  KY  KCG   SESC#1
KY4F    203  40   8,120  4.0   SO LP  AL  ACG   SESC#1
NF4A    150  37   5,850  2.3   SO LP  FL  ACG   SESC#2
N5TOO   144  39   5,616  4.0   SO LP  GA  GCG
WN4AFP   42  23     966  1.75  SO LP  SC  SECC
AA4GA    35  19     665  1.25  SOQRP  GA  SECC  QRPers

Team Scores:
Ad Hoc Contesters:  147,760
SESC#1              119,591
SESC#2               29,258

SESC#1 team has the second high team score reported to 3830 so far. 
Congratulations and thanks to all who participated.  Thanks to Jeff, 
KU8E, for doing such a good job putting the teams together.

4.  Straight Key Century Club September Week End Sprintathon
K4BAI   121  39  5,474  SO HP  4:26  GA  SECC
NN4K    122  37  5,304  SO LP        GA  SECC
KC4HCH  101  41  4,781  SO LP        AL
AI4UN    62  32  2,379  SO LP        GA  GCG
AK4JA    63  29  2,232  SOQRPP       GA
N4RAY    58  29  2,195  SOQRP        AL
W4LDA    50  27  1,710  SOQRP        GA
WN4AT    46  27  1,517  SO LP        AL
K4NVJ    42  26  1,432  SO LP        AL
KE4WKH   32  18    821  SOQRP        AL
K4JPN    25  17    636  SOQRP        GA
K4ZGB    25  17    620  SO LP        AL  ACG
WA4ZOF   17  14    363  SOQRP        AL  ACG
KK4BNC   10   9    170  SO LP        GA
K4UFT     9   8    152  SO LP        SC
NU4M      2   2     24  SO LP        GA
W4FOA     1   1      6  SO LP        GA

5.  Russian RTTY Contest
W4UK   163  55  66,825  SO AB HP   6.5  SC  SECC
W5EW   178  48  58,320  SO AB LP  10    LA

6.  Quarter Century Wireless Association Fall QSO Party
K4BAI    6   5      60  SO CW HP   0:08 GA  SECC
Not much QCWA contest activity heard last weekend.

7.  All Asian DX Contest, SSB
KT4TX   425  163  69,275  SO AB HP  10    AL  ACG
NF4A    107   74   7,918  SO AB HP        FL  ACG

This Week's Contests:

1.  CWOps Club CWT Mini Tests.  Three one-hour contests on Wednesday 
local date.  1300Z, 1900Z Wed and 0300Z Thurs.  160-10M CW.  Exchange: 
Name + CWOps # or SPC.  Look around 028 kHz on each band.

2.  QRP Fox Hunt.  Thursday local date, 0200-0330Z Friday.  14050 to 
14070 kHz.  Two QRP Foxes will be calling there, WA4ILO, JIM, GA and 
AB7R, GREG, WA.  Work only the two foxes.  Maximum power: 5W.  Exchange: 
  RST, SPC, Name, Power.

3.  NCCC RTTY Sprint Ladder Series.  0130-0159Z Friday (Thursday night 
local).  20, 40, 80M RTTY.  Maximum power 100W.  One kHz QSY rule. 
Exchange:  both calls, #, Name, SPC. Look around 080 kHz.

4.  NCCC CW Sprint Practice.  0230-0259Z Friday (Thursday night local).
15, 20, 40, 80M CW.  Maximum power 100W.  One kHz QSY rule.  Exchange: 
both calls, #, name, SPC.  I seem to recall that this week participants 
are to use hand keys or bugs, but I can't find the e-mail to confirm 
that at this time.  When I get the weekly reminder, I will forward it to 
the local contest reflectors.  Look around 040 kHz.

5.  FOC Open QSO Party (formerly the Bill Windle QSO Party, so you may 
find some sending "CQ BW."  Open to FOC members and any other hams. 
160-VHF CW.  Exchange:  RST + Name + FOC# if you have one.  24 hours of 
Saturday UTC (starts 8 PM EDT Friday).  Look around 025 kHz.

6.  Kulikovo Polye Contest (KPC).  24 hours of Saturday UTC.  20M CW 
only.  14000-14059 kHz and avoid "International DX Frequencies."  I 
assume that means avoid 14000-14010 kHz, but the rules don't say that. 
Single op only.  Use of spotting nets OK, but no self spotting and no 
SO2R except for certain Russian area stations and all LY stations. 
There are three power levels:  up to 100W = LP.  up to 1000W = HP. 
Unlimited + S (for super I guess).  Exchange RST + serial # except for 
Kulikovo stations who (if there are any) will send RST + "KP."  Extra 
points for certain areas of Russia and for LY and a lot of points for 
any K|"KP" area stations worked.

7.  DARC Worked All Europe DX Contest, SSB.  48 hours of Saturday and 
Sunday.  80-10M SSB.  36 hour maximum time for single op stations with 
one hour minimum off periods.  Exchange:  RS + serial #. QTC feature. 
Send up to 10 QTC to any European stations.  A QTC consists of the time, 
call, and QSO# received from an earlier Eu QSO.

8.  Arkansas QSO Party.  80-10M + 2M, CW, SSB, PSK31.  14Z Sat to 02Z 
Sun.  Exchange:  RS(T) + S/P/DX or AR county.

9.  ARRL September VHF QSO Party.  18Z Sat to 03Z Mon.  50 mHz and up. 
Exchange:  4 character grid square.

10.  North American Sprint SSB.  20, 40, 80M SSB.  0000=0400Z Sunday 
(Saturday night local).  One/Five kHz QSY rules.  Exchange:  both calls, 
#, name, SPC.  There is a team competition of two to ten members.  If 
anyone would like to join me on a SECC or South East Sprint Coalition 
Team, please e-mail me right away.  I will register any team before the 
start of the Sprint and send out a confirmation to participants.

11.  Flying Pigs QRP Club September Run for the Bacon.  0100-0300Z 
Monday (Sunday night local).  160-10M CW.  5W maximum power.  Exchange: 
  RST, SPC, FP# or power.

Also next week on Wednesday night local will be the monthly NAQCC SK/Bug 
Sprint.  I'll cover that next week.

Hope everyone has a good week and weekend and a lot of QSOs.  73, John, 

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